Luthfan Anshar Lubis

3rd Year Doctoral Student, Dept. of Mathematical and Computing Science, Tokyo Institute of Technology


Master of Science 2021 Mathematical and Computing Science, Tokyo Institute of Technology
Bachelor of Science 2019 Information Science, Tokyo Institute of Technology

Research Experience

  1. Object-Oriented Programming Language with Versions
    Doctoral research topic. This research investigates the design and implementation of a programming language with versioning support.
  2. GPGPU Programming Framework Research. Research Assistant at Tokyo Institute of Technology
    May 2021 – March 2023
    Assisting implementation of a high-speed GPGPU framework for Python.
  3. Malicious Access Detection Through Log Data Research. Research Assistant at Tokyo Institute of Technology
    April 2018 – March 2019
    Assisting research on extracting information from the university’s internal security network logs using statistical tools. Work focused on data manipulation using Python.

Peer-reviewed Papers

  1. Y. Tanabe, L. A. Lubis, T. Aotani, H. Masuhara. Compilation Semantics for a Programming Language with Versions. The 21st Asian Symposium on Programming Languages and System. Nov 2023.
  2. L. A. Lubis, Y. Tanabe, T. Aotani, H. Masuhara. BatakJava: An Object-oriented Programming Language With Versions. Software Language Engineering (SLE). December 2022.
  3. Y. Tanabe, L. A. Lubis, T. Aotani, H. Masuhara. A Step Toward Programming with Versions in Real-World Functional Languages. 14th International Workshop on Context-oriented Programming and Advanced Modularity (COP). June 2022.
  4. Y. Tanabe, L. A. Lubis, T. Aotani, H. Masuhara. A Functional Programming Language with Versions. The Art, Science, and Engineering of Programming, vol. 6, no. 1, 2022.

Talks and Presentations

  1. L. A. Lubis. Polymorphism for Programming With Versions. Student Research Competition, European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming 2023. Jul 2023.
  2. L. A. Lubis. Toward Parameterized Versions in Object-oriented Version Programming. Programming and Programming Language Workshop 2023. Nagoya. Mar 2023.
  3. F. A. Alfansuri, H. Masuhara, L. Lubis, Y. Cong. Supporting Multiple Inheritance in an Object-Oriented DSL for GPGPU by Class Hierarchy Transformation. 39th JSSST Annual Conference. Aug-Sep 2022.
  4. L. A. Lubis. Implementation Concept of Chatbot as a Programming Learning Aid. 3rd Annual Scientific Symposium of Indonesian Collegians (ASSIGN) in Japan. Sep 2021.
  5. L. A. Lubis. Object-oriented Programming with Versions. 13th International Workshop on Context-oriented Programming and Advanced Modularity (COP). July 2021.
  6. L. A. Lubis, Y. Tanabe, T. Aotani, H. Masuhara. BatakJava: A Java Extension with Versions. 37th JSSST Annual Conference. Sep 2020.

Honors and Awards

  1. Tokyo Tech Advanced Human Resource Development Fellowship
    April 2021 – March 2024 (scheduled)
  2. Tsuji International Scholarship Foundation
    April 2020 – March 2021
  3. East Asian Circle of Applied Technology
    April 2019 – March 2020
  4. Japanese Government MEXT Scholarship
    April 2014 – March 2019

Work Experience

  1. LFortran compiler implementor
    Dec 2022 - present
  2. LPython contributor
    June - September 2022
    Implementing generic type system during Google Summer of Code, Python Software Foundation.
  3. Co-reviewer. In ACM SIGPLAN SPLASH Onward! 2020 Essay Track
  4. Student volunteer. In ACM SIGPLAN Conference on Systems, Programming, Languages, and Applications; Software for Humanity (SPLASH 2020, 2021) and International Conference on Functional Programming (ICFP 2021)
  5. Domain-specific language design internship, nau data lab
    August – September 2019
  6. Indonesian Language Teacher. Gowell Japan.
    2017 - 2023
    Part-time Indonesian language teacher for mostly Japanese students.

Teaching Experience

  1. Teaching Assistant at Tokyo Institute of Technology
  2. Exercises in Fundamentals of Data Science Oct 2023 – Nov 2023
    Computer Science I-II Sep 2018 – Feb 2020
    Assisting introductory programming classes for first-year students from all departments.
    Information Literacy I-II Apr – Aug 2019
    Assisting introductory classes for first-year students on the topic of computer.

Other Activities

  1. Participant in ASPIRE Forum, Tokyo Institute of Technology, July 2019.
    The annual event gathers students from universities making up the ASPIRE (Asia) and IDEA (Europe) League to have discussion on the topic of better living.

Language Skills

  1. TOEIC, 990/990, taken in June 2018
  2. IELTS, 8.0/9.0, taken in May 2018
  3. Japanese Language Proficiency Test N1, passed in 2019